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Current Issues

15 December 2008 : ASEAN Secretariat reported that The ASEAN Charter Comes into Force Today on 15 December 2008

 ASEAN Secretariat reported that The ASEAN Charter Comes into Force Today on 15 December 2008.  

According to the ASEAN Secretary-General Surin Pitsuwan the new charter, which was ratified by foreign ministers, accords a legal identity to the regional grouping for international negotiations and transactions. Though largely without enforcement action, it also sets out a common set of rules for trade, investment, environment and other fields. It is expected that within seven years the new Charter could lead the way for creating a single market as the EU community .

The new ASEAN Charter is expected to make 10 ASEAN nations to work together more cohesively and effectively in all fields including cooperation related food safety. 


More details can be viewed at http://www.aseansec.org/