Current Issues
7 April 2009 : New EU’s regulation on maximum residue levels (MRLs) of pesticides in products of plant and animal origin
New EU’s regulation on maximum residue levels (MRLs) of pesticides in products of plant and animal origin New EU’s regulation on maximum residue levels (MRLs) of pesticides in products of plant and animal origin that defines the new fully harmonised set of rules for pesticide residues has been enforced since 1 September 2008. The new regulation simplifies the existing legislation by harmonising pesticide MRLs and making them directly applicable. The regulation comprises of several Annex as follows: Annex I is the list of products to which the MRLs apply. Annex I has been established by Commission Regulation (EC) No 178/2006. It contains 315 products, including fruits, vegetables, spices, cereals, animal products. Annex II is the list of EU definitive MRLs and it consolidates the existing EU legislation before 1 September 2008. It specifies MRLs for 245 pesticides. Annex III is the list of the so-called EU temporary MRLs. It is the result of the harmonisation process as it lists pesticides for which, before 1 September 2008, MRLs were only set at national level. It specifies MRLs for 471 pesticides. Annex IV is the list of pesticides (52) for which no MRLs are needed because of their low risk. Annex V will contain the list of pesticides for which a default limit other than 0,01 mg/kg will apply. This Annex has not been published yet. Annex VI will contain the list of conversion factors of MRLs for processed commodities. This Annex has not been published yet. Annex VII contains a list of pesticides used as fumigants for which the Member States are allowed to apply special derogations before the products are placed on the market. If a pesticide is not included in any of the above mentioned Annexes the default MRL of 0,01 mg/kg applies (Art 18(1b) of Reg. (EC) No 396/2005). ASEAN member countries, as the important producer and exporter of plant and plant products, in particular fruits and vegetables, should study and prepare to comply with this regulation in order to maintain the capacity and competitiveness of the exporting of these products to EU. Source: