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Current Issues

19 March 2010 : Codex decided to submit the Draft Guideline for Analysis Methods of Specific DNA Sequences and Specific Proteins in Foods for adoption


Draft Guidelines on Performance Criteria and Validation of Methods for Detection, Identification and Quantification of Specific DNA Sequences and Specific Proteins in Foods


Originally, the Draft Guidelines considered only methods of analysis of specific DNA sequences and specific proteins in food derived from biotechnology.  For many years, the Draft Guidelines and relevant specific aspects were extensively discussed, especially title and broadening scope to cover foods other than foods derived from biotechnology.   .  

Recently, the 31st CCMAS session decided to advance the Draft Guidelines to the 33rd  Codex Alimentarius Commission for adoption at Step 5/8 in July 2010 .  The current Draft Guidelines provide information on Performance Criteria and Validation of Methods of analysis of Specific DNA Sequences and Specific Proteins in Foods.  Importantly, it is indicated in the Draft Guideline that these methods include among other uses, tests for food authenticity, and biomarkers for foods containing material derived from recombinant- DNA organisms.


Source: www,codexalimentarius,net